Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What I've been knitting

Well I've lost my camera.....But when I've found it I'll take some photos of all the stuff I've been knitting.

I've knitted a chunky blue and white striped scarf for my 12 year old (who says I never knit her anything. A pink striped neck cowl and hat for my 3 year old. A neck cowl for my friend in hand spun angora and silk with varying hues of blue. I started a pair of funky witches britches for me. But I got tired of knitting those. Lulu's friend Ikhan wanted her hat and cowl so I knitted him a set too.

At the moment I am attempting to knit my first pair of socks. Alot of fun so far. I am using hand spun yarn 90% merino and 10% angora rabbit dyed in greens, blues and purples. I bought the wool from a woman at the Sunday Southbank market in Melbourne. This woman spun her own angora bunny's wool, silk, sheep's wool and used the most beautiful colours.
If you happen to be in Melbourne on a Sunday morning and you love knitting and yarns - look her up. You will be inspired.

My next project is a pair of leg warmer sock thingys in grey. They sound awful but I think they are rather kind of funky. They are all one colour, but they have a ruffle at the top and a diamond aran pattern going down the leg. I know, they do sound bloody awful actually. When I get my camera I'll tell you more about these then. With pictures to show just how cool they are. You'll all be wanting a pair!!!

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