Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I have tossed aside the idea of a knitting shop completely.  And as per usual I have jumped onto a new idea. I have decided to get into some running and get really fit for next years squash season.

I started 2 weeks ago with 3 runs each week and a game of squash.  I need to start off easy or I'll give up before I've made any real progress.

So the plan is to:
run 3x a week for a couple of months, at least until April 2009 and sit ups and pressups
from January - do some sprint work 2-3x a week
from February - get coaching with Nev weekly until the first tournament
Somehow I just have to stay motivated.  My partner said he would help by nagging me to get out the door for my run.  And that I might hate him initially but I'll be thanking him at the end of next season when I've beaten b1 and b2 players.  This is where my focus has to be.  I need to remember my goal.

Friday, October 17, 2008

just quiet ramblings

I thought I should think of something to say. I haven't knitted for quite a while. When I head into summer knitting tends to take a back seat. But somehow I am trying to find some inspiration to get a little revved up with my life.

A couple of months ago I felt excited about opening a knitting shop. But with the current economic climate starting a business no longer seems like a wise thing to do. I am very ready to get into some paid work.. and the other thing I am good at is homoeopathy. I have my diploma and I really want to start practicing, but I just seem to be struggling to get organised to do anything about it. Hmmm... I think the tricky thing for me is that I have 3 children. And I feel that my main role is to make sure their needs are well met. And this means that me and my needs must come 2nd or even third.

This is a constant battle in my head. I do have this belief that it is difficult to meet others needs if one's own needs aren't met first. And I am constantly struggling to listen to my own advice. And to meet my needs would be to have something other than motherhood. Paid work, more frequent breaks, opportunity to go walk unaccompanied by small people, hot chocolate at a quiet cafe with my book, uninterrupted pottering in the garden, wandering around places that inspire me. The silly thing is that when I get the opportunity to do these things I choose to use this time to do housework instead. I have this idea in my head that some how I must earn the spare-time-just-for-me. Also if I do these fun things before housework is done then when I get home I still have to do all those yucky chores just in less time than if I stayed home. And that just makes me feel grumpy.

One day I will find the balance to all of this... It is something I will have to think about a little more.

So there you have my ramblings and it all started with knitting....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I've found my camera

Here are the pics of my knitting projects.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What I've been knitting

Well I've lost my camera.....But when I've found it I'll take some photos of all the stuff I've been knitting.

I've knitted a chunky blue and white striped scarf for my 12 year old (who says I never knit her anything. A pink striped neck cowl and hat for my 3 year old. A neck cowl for my friend in hand spun angora and silk with varying hues of blue. I started a pair of funky witches britches for me. But I got tired of knitting those. Lulu's friend Ikhan wanted her hat and cowl so I knitted him a set too.

At the moment I am attempting to knit my first pair of socks. Alot of fun so far. I am using hand spun yarn 90% merino and 10% angora rabbit dyed in greens, blues and purples. I bought the wool from a woman at the Sunday Southbank market in Melbourne. This woman spun her own angora bunny's wool, silk, sheep's wool and used the most beautiful colours.
If you happen to be in Melbourne on a Sunday morning and you love knitting and yarns - look her up. You will be inspired.

My next project is a pair of leg warmer sock thingys in grey. They sound awful but I think they are rather kind of funky. They are all one colour, but they have a ruffle at the top and a diamond aran pattern going down the leg. I know, they do sound bloody awful actually. When I get my camera I'll tell you more about these then. With pictures to show just how cool they are. You'll all be wanting a pair!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

continental knitting

I was blog browsing the other day when I came across a woman knitting the continental style. Her knitting is neat and speedy. She suggested I google continental knitting and learn this new technique. So thats what I did. And while it seems efficient I feel like I am learning to write with my Left hand. I am going to persevere as its a great thing to learn something new. And who knows I may become so good I may break the world record for speed knitting . . . haha.

Knitting Shop
I have had a thought lately. Well a kind of plan forming in my mind. I have this I suppose you could call it a fettish. Hmmmm .... that may not be the right word. But I love beautiful pens, paper, fabrics and of course wool. And something I would love is to have my own Aladdin's cave of wool. A beautiful wool shop.. Not the ordinary kind of knitting store. One that is a place for knitters and want to be knitters to drop by and drink coffee or tea, be inspired and excited by this relaxing and rewarding craft. While the children play with beautiful wooden toys. Almost a drop in centre for coffee groups and knitting enthusiasts...

So I told my partner about it and then the next time I dropped into my local knitting shop they mentioned that they are closing. So there is my opportunity. So, I've written up a business plan and a budget, etc etc. This is something I am able to do, but I need to decide whether I want to commit to owning a business especially while I still have a young one at home.

I'll do a little more research, and sleep on it for a small while.....before making a decision.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Trip to Melbourne

Thursday 1st May
Got off the plane in Melbourne at around 9.30.  Apparently there had been a drought there, however it didn't look terribly dry to me.  It was cold and wet!  After dropping our gear off to  
Oasis YHA we wandered down to a local cafe (in Errol St) - Errol's Cafe - great service, yummy food. We spent the rest of the day looking around the CBD. Melbourne CBD is set out in a grid with these cute little alley ways full of surprises. My favourite alley was one filled with tiny healthy food cafes. We bought some lentil and vege soup from a cafe come kitchen that had large urns of different delicious soups. It was the perfect meal on such a chilly day.
Friday 2nd May
Friday we hired a couple of bikes and took in sights around the perimeter of the CBD. Dockside, Southbank, MCG, a hundred different sculptures.

The Saxophonist in the tunnel on Southbank

At around 1.00pm dark clouds rolled across the sky, the heavens opened and it poured thundered and hailed. As Cindy and I huddled under shelter we amused ourselves watching people dodge the giant puddles that formed.
We spent the evening at Dracula's, a cabaret style dinner. A bit of fun. Some pretty good skits. And the evening finished with a bit of a boogie on the stage / dance floor.
Saturday 3rd May
Today was the highlight of my trip.  We were out the door at 8.00am.
Down to Errol's for fruit salad, a croissant and a hot chocolate then off on our bikes for a trek along the Merri Creek. Actually after yesterday's bike ride my bum was  
feeling somewhat tender.  Along the Merri we came across Ceres. This was an organic food research place that sold yummy wholesome food and a composting toilet also known as a long drop.  I thought it was slightly nicer than a long drop as you couldn't smell nor could you see what had fallen down the hole (like some long drop loos I'd seen).  When the trail along the Merri ended we biked through 
the suburbs.  Some of the old homes were amazing - so grand, stately.  The call of Ceres long drop took us away from this detour.  And after the long drop stop we biked back down the Merri to the Yarra River to where it met Victoria St and then back to the YHA.  I found the biking exhilarating and so much fun - hooning down the hills and skiddies  in the grass. 
The evening was spent exploring Melbourne's night life.  Silk Road is worth having a look at. Its  a bar with murals on the ceiling, chandaliers as big as cars and floors so shiny you nearly see up the trouser legs of the men and up the dresses of the ladies.
The casino was unreal.  First time in a casino - blew me away the amount of money literally thrown away.  I suspect some of it was in fact drug money.  A chance to clean it, to turn it into legal money. Every hour outside the casino there was a display of giant fire balls.  It was one of those ooh aah moments. Especially when a seagull flew over one of the fire ball chimneys at the most inopportune moment, and got engulfed by a fire ball - ouila - charcoal chicken!
Finding somewhere to dance was a little challenging.  The clubs were mostly for the  younger people. And as we were just about to join the queue for one of these clubs  a very kindly person suggested that we try somewhere more grown up. Finally about 1.00am we found a club and managed to get a couple of hours of dancing in.
Sunday 4th May
Somewhat jaded from the night before we did the morning ritual of breakfast at Errol's.  Then with all day tram passes we headed into the city.  There was a fantastic market on Southbank. It was filled with locally made craft.  My favourite stall was selling hand spun wool - angora bunny wool, bamboo, merino, silk - and the most gorgeous woman with a passion for all things fibre to sell my yarn.  
Back on to the tram, down to St Kilda's beach to another market.  I was kind of marketed out so enjoyed this a little less.  The salad from the Irish pub was very welcome as were the over friendly patrons who took a shine to my gorgeous friend.
Monday 5th May
I missed my family terribly and whilst I was grateful to have a wonderful weekend away - I was so happy to see my girls and Shane again. On the way to the airport Shane asked the girls if the brought tissues suspecting I may have tears on my return - and I didn't disappoint them - It was just so wonderful to be with them again.
A special mention - I loved this drumming man.....

The view from our bedroom window

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lulu's funky knitted dress

I wanted to knit a funky little dress for my 3 year old.  This is what I came up with. As I couldn't find a pattern I gave it a go myself.  I figured I'd knitted enough hats, jerseys and cardigans to work out a basic pattern.  And I'm pretty chuffed with the end result.

I hemmed the dress by knitting a row of garter so the hem would fold over neatly. And because I couldn't work out how to finish off the the neck and armholes neatly I crocheted the edges so they looked tidy without loosing the funky knitted dress vibe.